Weight Loss Overview
Fast weight loss, a dream of every obese or overweight person.
You always find articles or videos saying “How to lose weight in 7 days?”, “How to lose weight fast in 2 weeks?”.
Do you think it’s possible to lose weight in 7 days or 2 weeks? And if it’s possible how long weight maintenance is going to be there?
Yeah, there is some sort of weight loss but it’s not like a magic that you can lose 10 kg or 30 kg in 7 days or 2 weeks.
Here, in our article on weight loss, you will find everything you need to know.
Before going on weight loss or weight maintenance, you must know what is overweight or obesity?
What is Obesity?

Overweight and obesity are characterized as abnormal or irregular or excessive accumulation of fat in the body that may affect overall health.
According to studies done in 2018 have reported that more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million obese worldwide and approximately 2.8 million deaths are recorded as being overweight or obese.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a basic weight-for-height index that is widely used to identify overweight or obese in adults.

Maybe you are here for “How to lose weight fast?” or “Tips to how to lose weight fast?”
So, let’s put obesity or overweight aside and have a talk on “How to lose weight?”
If you want to read about Overweight or obesity, please read our article
But before going on how to weight loss fast? It’s always important to know about weight maintenance.
Most common problem, obese or overweight people face after weight loss is the weight regain. So, it’s always very important to do weight maintenance rather than weight loss.
Therefore, stay with us as you going to know about weight maintenance later on in this article.
How you can lose weight?
To lose weight, there are many options to shed a lot of weight easily in which choosing nutritious diets and daily physical exercise is the best option.
In a healthy diet, low carbohydrate diets are beneficial for weight loss and maybe quicker to adhere to than another form of diets.

With eating a healthy diet, you are not only losing weight but also you are refining some severe body problems.

10% of body weight loss from initial weight can improve heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, etc. (1)
Types of weight loss
Weight loss can be intentional weight loss or unintentional weight loss.
Intentional weight loss is what you are doing to improving your health and fitness or for shaping up the body or slimming the body.
In intentional weight loss, with some fast weight loss exercise and diet for fast weight loss, you can correct or improve your systemic problems like diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), knee problems in an overweight person.
Unintentional weight loss is when you are losing weight fast with some sort of problems ongoing in the body.
It is not because of physical exercises or the diet plans you are following.
Unintentional weight loss can be due to some issues like:
- Excessive loss of body fluids
- Malnutrition
- Reduction in muscle mass
- Inadequate diet intake than required during a day
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Kidney problems like Uremia
- Some dental infection which decreases patient food intake
- Peptic ulcer
- Inflammation of pancreas
- Inflammation of stomach
- Congestive heart failure
If your weight-loss ambitions include aiming to lose 5 kg or more than 20 kg, the same concepts decide how much weight you lose and how easily the weight loss can occur.
Our body weight is determined by the number of calories we eat as food and calories we use in our day to day activities.
The best way to weight management is to decrease the number of calories you consume while increasing the number of calories you lose from physical exercise.
Weight loss is accomplished by a low carb diet plan in which fewer calories are expended than are spent.
Weight Loss Diet
A meal with a low carb diet for fast weight loss
A low carb diet or a low carbohydrate diet is an important aspect of losing weight fast.

Each food contains carbohydrates, fat and proteins. In a low carb diet, there is a very low amount of carbohydrates and the required amount of fat and proteins.
An important role in losing weight fast is to reduce the intake of sugar.
You might be wondering how a low carb diet can lose weight fast?
So, when you take a low carb diet, there is a reduction in insulin level in the body, improves the cardiometabolic function of the body and induces weight loss. (2)
It is also said that a low carb diet can reduce hunger.

Various studies have concluded that a low carb diet can burn more calories compared to a high carb diet. (2)
Ketogenic (keto) diet is a particular type of low-carbon diet. In keto diet usually, carbs are limited to 20-50 gms a day.

High protein diet intake for weight loss
Most of you have heard about high protein diet consumption can do wight loss.
Do you think this the “fastest way to lose weight”? or you can have weight loss supplements that includes weight loss drinks like protein shakes, act as a fat burner to lose belly fat fast and will help in fast weight loss or drastic weight loss?

Before talking on protein diet let’s talk on what are the types of protein powder are connected with weight loss or weight gain?
And the answer is, there are whey protein, casein protein, hemp protein, Rice protein (Brown rice protein), Soy protein, almond protein.

Whey protein and casein protein have a high concentration of protein in it compared to others.
High protein diets contain 1.2 to 1.6 gm of protein with a single serving of 25 to 30 gm. (4)
Various protein-rich foods include chicken, beef, eggs, salmon fish, and soya beans.

Many protein-making brands use it in combination with other types of protein.
Even protein powder for diabetes and protein powder in pregnancy is also available in the market.
So, always choose wisely about your protein powder. You can also find some videos on making homemade protein shake diet for weight loss.
There are various kinds of literature published on “high protein diet for weight loss” and they have concluded that having a high protein diet may or may not be helpful in weight loss.
But with our deep research of articles on high protein intake and weight loss, we suggest that high protein is helpful in weight loss compared to low protein.
And yes, weight loss with high protein intake is there, but you cannot do weight maintenance for a longer time with a high protein diet.
Protein helps in gaining muscle mass and also it helps in weight loss up to certain limits by increasing your metabolic activity and uses more calorie which helps in fast weight loss.
Also taking high protein diet keeps your tummy full or heavy which ultimately decreases your hunger.
We recommend you not to take only protein powder for weight loss but you can combine it with weight loss exercises, yoga for weight loss, take short meals with increased frequency to lose weight fast.
You can always have a low carb diet or keto diet, high protein-rich diet, less oily foods, avoid junk foods. Also, refer to some healthy diet plans.

These combinedly will help you in losing weight fast.
Weight loss exercise to lose weight fast
Always do some cardio exercise for weight loss like running, jogging, walking.
These all will be helpful in extreme weight loss.

Here we will suggest you some best weight loss exercises you can do at your home, so you don’t need to pay money for gymming to lose weight.
You can do upper abs exercise, lower abs exercise, knees up exercise, squats, planks, push-ups, etc.
These all wight loss exercises will help you to lose weight fast.
Weight lifting and fast weight loss will work for you?
You might be surprising, but yes weight lifting does lose some amount of body fat.
When you do weight lifting body uses more calories and also strengthen the muscles of the body and increase the muscle mass.

Studies have proven that when you increase the muscle mass with weight lifting exercise it burns the fat present over that particular muscle.
Therefore, add some weight lifting exercises in your routine to lose weight.
Weight loss yoga
Add some weight loss yoga along with all the above-mentioned weight loss tips.

You can do kapalbhati exercise, trikonasana exercise, chakki chalanasana, Surya namaskar to lose weight fast.
Doing this yoga not only help you in losing weight but also will help in maintaining the weight and a healthy lifestyle.
Weight maintenance or Weight loss
Weight maintenance is very important compared to weight loss.
Various studies have shown that in overweight or obese person, undergo weight loss have the highest chances of weight regain.

It is said that after weight loss in overweight or obese person, the weight maintenance period is about 5-6 years, after that it will start to regain.
Thus, if you think that you have lost weight now it’s over then you are wrong because weight maintenance is the must to keep you lost weight as it is.
Weight loss tips for fast weight loss
- Consume a lower amount of sugar
- Avoid cold drinks and junk foods
- Consume healthy foods like high fibre and protein-rich fruits and vegetables
- Do regular weight loss exercises
- Add yoga for weight loss
- Have a frequent healthy meal with intervals (have four short meals during a day)
- Drink plenty of water
- Eat slowly and chew it properly
- Have at least 8 hours of sleep
Follow these weight loss tips to reduce your body fat and belly fat fast.
For proper and fast weight loss, eat a healthy diet having low carbohydrates and high amount of protein.
Add some weight loss exercise to your routine like abs exercises, knees exercises, body squats, hand and elbow planks, push-ups, etc.
Do weight lifting exercises as they help in burning the body fat.
Yoga for weight loss always boost up your goal of weight loss and also maintain the body posture and shape so that you won’t need to get to the slimming clinics.
Weight maintenance is the key factor in weight loss rather than just losing weight.
Follow our weight loss tips for fast and stable weight loss and say goodbye to your overweight or obesity.
You can also use some home workout app for weight loss tips.
If you are Indian and eating Indian diet then you can download some app for calorie counter of Indian food and also you can seek for fast weight loss diet plan for Indian people having a low carb diet plan.
Be aware of articles, videos, advertisements on fast weight loss saying, “lose 5 kg weight in a week guaranteed”, “How to lose weight fast in 2 weeks”, etc.
You might achieve that goal of fast weight loss in a week or 2 weeks but it will regain too soon.
Did we miss anything?
Which strategy from today’s article on weight loss are you going to try first?
Or maybe we didn’t mention one of your favourite weight loss tips.
Please let us know by leaving a comment below right now.
Thank you.