A sponsorship or advertisement is a reciprocally advantageous exchange whereby the sponsor receives value in return for financial support or goods or services-in-kind provided to the organization.

Healthy Cura (https://healthycura.com) is committed to providing you with superior quality, wide-ranging and fair health information. Healthy Cura offers chances for sponsors and advertisers to convey their marketing messages, information or content about their products and services by publishing their information or links within our site. However, we are a for-profit business maintained in quantity by sponsorships and paid advertising, we distinguish the prominence of preserving a clear separation between our writing content and sponsorships. We believe that clear separation between the writing content and sponsorships is important to providing precise and fair information. And to conserve our excellence, Healthy Cura is careful in the sponsors and advertising accepted by its team.

Our sponsorship/advertising policy is as follow:

  • Healthy Cura maintains a clear separation between the writing content and sponsorship/advertising process and conclusion producing; current or probable sponsors and advertisers may not command the form or substance of the writing content appearing on https://healthycura.com.
  • Healthy Cura does not denote any sponsored or advertised content on  https://healthycura.com as Healthy Cura’s own writing content. Sponsor and advertiser messages, emails, and content are clearly acknowledged.
  • We will visibly differentiate sponsorships and advertisements from health information content using identifying words such as sponsored, advertiser, advertisement, advertise, etc., design or placement. Healthy Cura readers should be capable to freely differentiate between sponsored and advertised content and writing content. The terms used in this policy, such as “sponsored”, “advertiser”, “advertisement”, “advertise”, etc. include third party banners, badges, contextual advertising and sponsored content.
  • Sponsors/Advertisers may submit logos related to their company or profession for displaying in the sponsors bar on https://healthycura.com.
  • A click on a sponsorship or advertisement may only link the end user to the sponsor’s website or to a relevant sponsored content area on https://healthycura.com.
  • Healthy Cura does not authorize the content of any third-party website. Healthy Cura is not blamable for the content of links, third-party sites, or third-party advertisements or claims, and does not make any representations about their content or accuracy.
  • Healthy Cura does not authorize any products or services advertised on https://healthycura.com or Healthy Cura newsletters. If it is then only advertising or sponsoring person/company is responsible for their content, there is no association with Healthy Cura.
  • All new sponsorships and advertisements, or modifications to sponsorship and advertising arrangements, are subject to authorization by Healthy Cura in its exclusive preference.
  • The relationship necessitates an official written agreement or confirmation setting out the terms of the sponsorship or advertising, including any recognition to be provided by the sponsor or advertiser, and must be signed by an authorized member of the sponsor or advertiser.
  • Tax receipts are not issued to sponsors or advertisers as sponsorships or advertisings are usually considered business expenses and not charitable donations.
  • Healthy Cura reserves the right to remove a sponsorship or advertisement message or content from the site if Healthy Cura picks in its exclusive preference that it does not fulfil with Healthy Cura’s criteria or is else offensive to Healthy Cura.
  • Healthy Cura reserves the right to decline sponsorship or advertising of any kind, and will not accept advertising that, in Healthy Cura’s certainty, makes unproven claims of therapeutics benefits of specific products or treatments, holds false or misleading information that is harmful to health or other reasons deemed objectionable by Healthy Cura. They are as follow:
    • Advertising units that copycat computer functions or misleadingly indicate a computer or other function that would be practical to the regular user to assume as a reason to click the unit.
    • Banner showing any kind of weapons such as guns, pistol, missile, ammo, etc. are strictly prohibited.
    • Banner that contain unsupported content suggesting “marvel”, miracle”, “wonder”, etc.  weight loss or other marvel claims of treatment or therapy.
    • Healthy Cura reserves the right to decide illegal ‘offensive’, ‘useless’, ‘criminal’, ’unauthenticated’ and/or ‘hazardous’ and has authority to disapprove or remove such content
    • Explosives, fireworks
    • Fake, misleading, illegal, confusing, aggressive or violent material
    • Flashing or Alternating or blinking banner
    • Gambling
    • Material that directly attract or shows interest in children under the age of 13
    • Material that is misleading, absurd, differentiates (authentic or inherent) or attacks and individual or group on the basis of age, national origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other status deemed unsuitable for the Healthy Cura
    • Pornography or related such content or image
    • Tobacco products, cocaine, alcohol, etc.
    • Unreasonable, unlikely or extraordinary product or service claims
  • On our website, certain ad spaces are reserved by Google with Healthy Cura’s request. These kind of Google advertisings are labeled with “Ads by Google”. Advertising by Google, is free from this policy, while third party content must adhere to this Sponsor/Advertising policy. Healthy Cura may receive payment from Google in connection with displaying the advertising banners, sponsored links, etc.
  • It is the Advertiser’s responsibility to comply with all domestic and foreign rules and regulations applicable to its advertising on Healthy Cura. Healthy Cura reserves all rights to review all advertising for compliance with applicable rules and regulations and if, Healthy Cura become aware of any break or potential break of any applicable rules or regulations or of these guidelines, Healthy Cura may remove the Advertising from https://healthycura.com.
  • Any advertising on Healthy Cura must not include any pixels, tags, codes, flash or vulgar containers or any other type of information or data collection software code or shall place any beacons, cookies or other information or data collection on devices on the browsers of users of the Healthy Cura except specifically approved in writing by Healthy Cura. No personally distinguishable information may be collected from any users of Healthy Cura without direct written consent of Healthy Cura and express opt-in agreement of such user. No non-personally-identifiable information that is collected or gathered from a user of the Healthy Cura may be connected to any personally-identifiable information available to an Advertiser without the direct written consent or agreement of Healthy Cura.
  • Advertisers are supposed to provide the banner with identifying words such as sponsored, advertiser, advertisement, advertise, etc. as suggested by the Healthy Cura. Banner must be in the given size to you according to the plan or ad size you choose.
  • Healthy Cura reserves the right to change this policy at any time in its exclusive discretion without any prior notice. Revised policy will be notified or updated on https://healthycura.com.

If you have any questions about this sponsorship and advertising policy, please contact us.